Saturday, November 5, 2016

Social Media

Do you have a Facebook and/or Snapchat? Do you think those may be causing some tension in the marriage or in a relationship? 
I personally think that when you are married Snapchat is not acceptable to have. With snapchat, you can send pictures and/or videos that will disappear after the other person has seen that image. Obviously, this could easy create problems with infidelity or other sorts. Snapchat is a social media program that is just asking for trouble. 
However, my view of Facebook is a little different.  I think that Facebook could be a great way to connect with old friends but the key is how you approach those friends and communicate. Something that could start tearing a relationship apart could happen when you start confiding in someone else when you should be confiding in your spouse. This creates an emotional connection between you and that friend which could lead to the beginning of a romantic or more personal connection.

Some ways to prevent marital tension with social media could include:
  • (Asking your spouse) Is there anyone you feel uncomfortable with me talking to or being friends with?
  • Why not join accounts? That way each spouse can see what the other is seeing and there is no opportunity for secrecy.

REMEMBER: If it is something that you would not gladly share with your spouse it is probably not appropriate!

I hope you were able to gain some insight or inspiration about social media, thank you for reading my post!

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